viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2017

English language

Hello friends, today I will write  my last blog. When I entered college I did not know much about the English language, at school I had learned only the basics. Starting at level one was the best, I learned new words, the order of these when speaking or writing (grammar), I improved the pronunciation and now I can read and understand things more easily. My favourite activity was sing songs of  “The Beatles”, “Coldplay”, among others.

I remember that in the second level we talked a lot about different topics in class, that helped me a lot to interact with my classmates in English.

The use of blogs started at the third level, at first I did not like them very much because I found it difficult to write correctly, but as we wrote more, I like it was fun to give my opinión or tell my experiencies  about different topics.  Although it always takes me a long time to finish them.

But In general  has been a good experience.

I think I still have a lot to improve, especially  learn more vocabulary and also to speak more fluently. I hope to travel to the United States this summer and learn the language in a compulsory way hahaha.

Right now I do not practice much the language outside the university, but sometimes I watch movies or series in English without the subtitles and I also read texts in English of some subjects and I understand the majority  :D this makes me very happy :D

On holidays I plan to read many comics in English.

Good weekend for all!

Resultado de imagen para inglés

2 comentarios:

  1. It feels good to undestand a movie without subtitles :D

  2. travel should be the best way to learn more, good luck with that
