martes, 25 de abril de 2017

My autobiography

Hi, my name is Valentina Campos Setti, I like my second last name, that is my mother's last name. I think that it is of italian origin. I would like to travel to Italy someday, and I would really like to travel to many parts of the world. I'm twenty years old. I was born in Chile in 1996 December.
I study forest engineerin in the “Universidad de Chile”. I chose this career because  I want to learn to understand nature, protect it and make sustainable use of its resources, and also  because nature is life and life is beautiful.
In my free time I go out to bike to San Crist贸bal hill or to different places within  the city, watch movies, go to the theater and also cook, especially food from other countries.

I have a large family and that's fun. I hope this year is great for everyone.馃榾馃榾

Expectations for a new semester

Hello again, today I will tell you about my expectations for this new semester. This semester, I'm takin many and new subjects, such as statistics, growth and development of trees, structure and functioning of ecosystems, among others. 
I would like to participate in all the extra activities, but I don't have much free time, I still took guitar classes and I will also be a laboratory assistant in the subject of botany.

I like that the university is big and has many trees of different species, but what I like most is that the people who study there are very nice

I don't like the university to be far from my house :c 

I think this semester is a challenge. I hope in the first instance to approve all subjects with good grades, but above all learn new things.
Good week for all. 馃槑

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